Mary Downing's body will be received in the church today Monday the 24th April at 5.00.p.m. Followed by mass
Requiem Mass: 12.15pm on Tuesday 25th April 2017 at St Vincent's Church Dartford,
Mallard Close Dartford DA1 5HU. Followed by internment at Watling Street Cemetery.
Mary Downing is well known in Dartford and for many years she served in the Health Service as midwife and health visitor. She retired in her mid seventies. This brought her in contact with many a family. Whenever her name crops up, she is remembered with great affection and fondness. On her retirement she became very close to the parish. She took on the role of a sacristan and as you can imagine she ran the ship very smoothly and efficiently. This was not the only role she played in the parish. She was also a counter. These two roles were the main areas of parish work. She did much, much more. I found Mary to be the most loyal and supportive parishioner since my coming to the parish twenty five years ago. She will be very missed indeed. Mary died in her ninety forth year after a short stay in hospital. She maintained her independence to the end. She was well known for her outstanding generosity and sought out those in need, ready to assist in any way possible. May the Good Lord reward her for all her goodness. May she rest in peace.