Jun 20, 2019Thank you! - Summer fete 2019We would like to thank everybody who made the Summer fete the success that it was. In total we raised a brilliant £2,614.62. Your kind...
Jun 13, 2019Summer Fete 2019It's that time again! The Summer Fete is fast approaching and we need YOUR help. We kindly ask you all for any goods for our stalls, you...
May 29, 2018Summer Fete 2018It's that time again! The Summer Fete is fast approaching and we need YOUR help. We kindly ask you all for any goods for our stalls, you...
Jun 12, 2017Summer Fete 2017I would like to acknowledge all the hard work and effort by such a good team of parish volunteers who ensure the success of the Summer...
Apr 18, 2016Summer Fete 2016It's that time again! The Summer Fete is fast approaching and we need YOUR help. We kindly ask you all for any goods for our Fancy Goods...